Casale dello Sparviero

About Us

You can find our winery at Castellina, a village surrounded by the beautiful hills of the Chianti Classico area, near Siena.  And with just the right elevation to produce high quality wines.

Respecting the environment is at the core of our company’s philosophy. That’s why:

– We carefully select native tuscan grape varieties (Sangiovese, Canaiolo).
– We avoid invasive interference when it comes to the grapes and the wine.
– We keep a low yeld per hectare, to promote a virtuous symbiosis between animals and nature.

So, what makes Casale dello Sparviero unique?

Its terroirs: the soil varies from sand, to clay, to pebbly. As a Tuscan adage says: “Nature never makes something futile.“, and here, at Casale dello Sparviero, it determines the excellent quality of our wines.

Along with Sangiovese and Canaiolo, we reserved an area outside the Chianti Classico D.O.C.G. borders to the cultivation of more international grapes, such as Merlot and Cabernet Sauvignon.

In our cellars, our precious wine rests and keeps evolving both in the modern barriques and old oak barrels, like our traditions and love for this breathtaking land.

The excellence of our region


Let’s keep in touch

Località Casale 93, Castellina in Chianti, Tuscany, IT

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