Crobia – Organic Cannonau di Sardegna
Red wine < Wine

Distinctive aroma of red fruits, peppery kick and an array of the macchia (surrounding plants).


Weight 1.3 kg


The Cuscusa organic dairy farm and vineyard is located in the marmilla, directly in front of an extinct volcano, Monte Arci. The terroir is basalt, a rich brownish-black base to work from. Michele Cuscusa is a master cheese maker and vintner, making products as they were made by his ancestors. A small production, hand picked grapes, organic treatment for more than 30 years, make for a wonderful Cannonau.

Organic Cannonau tends to be a touch more “scarico” -lighter in color and tannins, and this makes his 100% Cannonau a treat for the senses and the body. The aromas from Michele’s Cannonau are distinctive in their small red fruits, peppery kick and an array of the macchia (surrounding plants) on the farm. Michele boasts more than 100 indigenous plants and herbs on his organic farm.

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